Vianek Collection

    Vianek Red - anti-wrinkleBlue - MoisturizingPink - GentilePurple - StrenghteningOrange - NourishingGreen - Normalizing  

 VIANEK is unique natural skincare containing extracts of Polish flowers and herbs from organic farming. Their fragrances are pure fruit: raspberry, redcurrant, pear, apple, cherry, peach. 




With natural Polish herbal ingredients, energizing fruity scents and six product ranges to target specific skin types. 

 Blue - Moisturizing for dry skin 

 Red - Firming for mature skin and wrinkles

 Green - Normalizing for oily, combination skin, and acne prone

 Orange - Nourishing for all skin types

 Purple - Strengthening capillary skin, Rosacea, and redness

 Pink - Gentile for sensitive and irritated skin

 Vianek featured collection is all natural skincare imported from Europe.

The skincare line was inspired by the beautiful story of a painted village of Zalipie. You can learn more about Zalipie in our blog post "The Polish Folk Art Mixed with Cosmetics".

60 products